Thursday, January 27, 2011

Goodnight love, gonna dream of this chick ♥xoxo
When I was walking out of school today, I random thought hit me. And I felt like I grew up, suddenly. I finally from the bottom of my heart, am not going to judge people by how they look anymore. I used to claim that I don't, but just now I felt that I've been treating people differently by the way they look, their background, their status and the list goes on. I'm sure most of you reading this have once upon a time or still is that person I described myself to be. It is undeniable, however holy however angelic, it's still within human right to judge. Like how you may give an ah lian the you're-a-dumbfuck look but give your lecturer that you're dying to suck up to a you're-the-best-shit-ever look. Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying that from now I'm gonna be nice to everyone. But in general, especially to the people that I'm not close with or that I've never met, the people that I don't have the right to judge. Whether she's some hot andro at PLAY or the toilet aunty from NYP, they should all be at an equal level in my eyes. Cos I believe in karma(I'm not doing this for good karma, I just don't think it's nice), that it would not only hit on me but also my loved ones. Talking about karma, that asscrack that hacked into my twitter account will get her/his asshole bitten by karma. I'm sorry I just ranted a lot about some random thought.
I feel very happy today not because I downed 5 tequila shots and didn't KO, not because I ponned school, because mama cooked my favorite dish for dinner! And I did pedicure for her after dinner and I'm gonna sleep with her tonight hehe :B And breakfast together tomorrow. How romantic. I'd seriously rather romantic with mama than wasting my time on a date.
I love you SSBO, cheer up ok. Really really love you a lot! :') You must be wondering who is SSBO. She's my darlin'. Hahaha. And she's fucking hot stuff ;);)
Sunday, January 2, 2011
I need to be up in 5 hours and I'm not even tired yet. That's for sleeping at 6am last night and waking up at 4pm today. Anyway, HAPPY NEW YEAR GIRLS & GUYS. To all my close friends, I love you all so fuckin' much really. I kinda broke my new year's resolution on new year day I know I'm quite fucked up. 2010 I would say, have been eccentric. My first year in NYP, made new great awesome classmates. Not much friends around in school since everyone else is in a less dope school like RP. I'm still close to my 2 BFFs S & M. Although there were quite a few dispute with M but I'd say it brought us closer. Just came back from our Genting trip, I really enjoyed myself there. Go check out the pix on FB. Only have the Safari photos tho, since S haven't upload the rest. Really nice pictures, could see the clouds like everywhere around us lol. Not forgetting the Hayden-shaws, I love all my anaks a lot. For cooking awesome shepherd's pie and pasta and for going through all the fun together ♥ Worst year for mama tho. She fell sick during April this year. Went for a major operation, recovered speedily and gonna be done with her treatment next month. I never cried so much in my life before. Grandma is a C survivor and if I were to go through what she did, I know I wouldn't even be that strong. Also positively, brought me closer to God.. Definitely Shay's best year cos of her Asian Game's achievement.
Spent the first 3/4 of the year with someone who means a lot to me and is very special, a great girl. The one that made me realize what love is. We used to argue cos we were too different. But only now when I realize being different is what it takes to make a perfect pair. Only after I lose her, I realize how precious she is. I know this sounds familiar and you're probably gonna be oblivious towards it but trust me, appreciate the people around you.. It'll be too late to know that he/she is never gonna come back. Met a guy on Halloween and spent the last 1/4 of 2010 with him. Not exactly with actually. Never thought I would love a guy again but I did. Bad bad idea though. Things got messy, even messier now.
Lastly, I wanna apologize for the things that I did or did not do. For being the ultimate bitch at the wrong time. Actually, I won't be a bitch if you didn't piss me off. So I'm not sorry for being a bitch. But if I were a bitch accidentally then fine, I'm sorry. I'm sorry for the hearts that I broke. I'm sorry for sleeping with ur gf (JUST KIDDING). Oh, and I literally partied like 90% of the holidays away. It has got to stop already. Let's see how mand's gonna transform into a goodie-two-shoes :B
I should really go sleep now. P.S if you're reading this, BBM me will you? I really miss you >:{ I mean it......... :(
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
Hiiii. I don't know why I suddenly had this urge to blog so here I am. It's ICA 1 period now and my stats and accounts test is on friday. Haven't start studying stats yet. So screwed. Just a brief update.. Went to Guang Zhou to support Shay for Asian Game, she's awesome. I don't have to blog about this cos everyone know. So I skipped a week of school and could hardly catch up. But I guess I'm cool now. Had several friendship issues and almost lost a friend, glad it's all over. I hate it. I need to stop dominating everything. I know I may have been a bitch at times I'm trying not to and I'm sorry. I haven't been meeting the Hayden-shaws that often so I'm missing them like dog. OH, MY BIRTHDAY :) Had an advanced surprise from my family + extended family at some gathering, then kkkkrazy night out with my 2 favorite girls at chips, dinner at Padi's with my 2 babehz again + Yucong, Tau Hway all over me by my classmates, and lastly from the lezbianz @ fort canning! Oh, and I went to zouk legally on my birthday night LEGALLY. HAHA so funny man. It feels so weird entering a club with my original IC. I'm fucking legal, after literally 3 years of clubbing, getting drunk, and the list goes on.. Gonna sign up for my license soon. I have no time for license and dental. So damn busy!! Ok, and I'm looking forward to Genting with Steph, Mel and Yucong! :) BYE
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
Hi everyone :D I'm waiting for my iPod to quickly finish synchronizing then I'll play games till I fall asleep. It's so funny how Nazeera and the rest got so pissed off that I keep breaking their high scores. I think I found a new talent in myself. This shows how quick and efficient my finger are, girls ;) OK I WAS KIDDING. I think I should stop eating. Grandma and I have been munching on snax the whole day, before and after dinner. I'm left with my last 2 packets of Pola snack. Haha so retarded, I used to have Pola snack and soya bean for recess in St Nick's primary. I'd run straight down to canteen and get those then to the play ground and play monkey bar with the Pola snack in my pocket. Yay my iPod's done syncing. Bye! ^^
Sunday, October 17, 2010
Hey! Just a blink and the 2 months holiday has come to an end. It's 12 midnight and I should be sleeping very soon. I don't know how I'm gonna sleep as I've been sleeping earliest 4am every night during the holidays. Just wanna get some stuff off my chest before the brand new semester begins. New lecturer and tutors. New modules. And hopefully a new life. I'm going through quite a fucked up phase of my life now. My girlfriend and I are about to break up (I'm certain), my best friend's mom fucking hates me like she wants me dead right now, no more partying/late night out for me cos school's starting tomorrow.
I just can't stand it when people just start judging me without even know me. As far as i know myself. I party hard when it's time for party, I study hard when it's study time, I love unconditionally when it comes to love, I do as much as I can for my family and I cancel any appointment just to accompany grandma for her checkups. How bad can someone like me be? So please, don't fucking judge me when you don't even know me or my history. You're probably insecure or dumb to judge anyone, especially me. I know everyone judges people cos you're not god. But you don't have the right to fucking hate someone so much when all I did to give you the basic human right to respect. That's one.
Secondly, I don't see why my relationship is going all down into the drain. Being washed off by the soft flowing water. What amuses all is that, I don't even feel the pain anymore at all. I'm all numbed. All I could feel now is exhaustion. Like I'm so dehydrated after a love marathon and I need to down a bottle filled with love to quench my thirst. Ok, I know I suck in expressing my feelings but that was what came into my mind. Now, I just need to finish the fucking tiring marathon and then search for another sport to do. Maybe like going back to bowling cos it's less tiring? Ok only some of my close friends would understand what the fuck I'm blabbering about :) I'm just tryna say that I tried my best. And I think I'm ready to give up this relationship and move on.
Okie I'm kinda done with this post. Gonna finish my beer and head to bed soon hopefully. Feel free to add me @
Personal shout-out you1: let's end this you2: BBM me soon I kinda feel like talking to you. I don't believe you never thought of me. you3: come on fb chat again soon. dont forget ur promise, x you4: friends only~
Monday, September 27, 2010
Lebian : Is she crook? Friend : No Lesbian : Damnnnn, wasted..
Straight guy : Is she crook? Friends : Yeah Straight guy : Damnnnnn, wasted..
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
Hey I'm back to my lazy mood again. I'll always be damn lazy to blog during school period and now when exams are all over, I'm busy shopping, traveling, eating, sleeping, playing tap zoo and watching Gossip Girl. But at least I'm blogging now. Haha, I could have spend this 10 mins watching Gossip Girl instead. Hahah. As for some of you may have heard that I just came back from my trip, it was super tiring! I arrived at Macau at 2am, gambled at Venetian's casino till morning and took a ferry over to HK to watch Shayna bowl then took a ferry over to Zuhai, spent the night there and back to Macau. We travelled 3 places within 3 days. Didn't do much shopping, but took lots of pictures. Went places like St Paul, Lizboa, Fisherman's village, I can't remember the rest. Quite a few of their tourist attraction. I like Macau the most among the 3 countries! Partly cos there were casino in every hotel :D I was so happy to be back! Missed grandma and girlfriend so much! :( Oh, and I'll see you ifyou're going/working for the F1 cos I'll be working on Fri, Sat and Sun. I won't be able to go Nazeera's place for Raya this Sat :( I have so many things to blog about but I don't wanna start cos it'll end up a fucking ong post so I'm gonna stop here. Update again soon!
Saturday, September 4, 2010
HI EVERYBODY :D It's gonna be 12 soon. I'm gonna blog until 12 then I'll start studying. My goal for tonight is to study 6 hours straight without gossip girl break in between but I honestly doubt my focus. I'm screwed yknow. I'm only halfway through POM and haven't started on AFA at all. But I'm not gonna think about studies until the clock says 12 :P Went to visit greatgrandma at the church today. We had memorial service after that which I was so close to falling asleep. Went to chomps with grandma and family for dinner. 2nd time having dinner in chomps this week! :) I'm planning to stay home the whole of tomorrow to study. Which I will prolly wake up at 4pm considering that I'm gonna sleep at 6 in the morning. My oh my, this is the time where I hope that swine flu comes back and we can postpone the exams. K, I'm kidding. And since I'll be staying home the whole day tomorrow, I shall take some fibre later. I haven't been shitting or like the past 2 days? And if I do take the fibre, I'll probably visit the loo every hour tomorrow. Ok, I'm running out of things to blog that's why I'm talking about this. Don't judge me ok. I'm just waiting for it to be 12. I'm so glad mel is done with her attachment already. So I can meet her more often. But I'm upset that both Steph and Mel are going away soon. They always abandon me in this shit hole while they have fun in their hometown. Whether it's Bangkok, America, or Hongkong. Well, mine's SINGAPORE -.- Nvm, I'll just let Gossip Girl/HIMYM keep me company. I'm sure I have a lot of things to do and people to meet but I'm just super lazy. So, do call me out after this wednesday k. Especially if your name is Clare-Marie or Benjamin Tan or Shaunna De Cruz etc. I'll appreciate it :) Or my Prince Charming. I'm currently actually looking for a guy that can charm me. I still haven't found any charming guy. I think there isn't any in Singapore. But I won't give up on hunting for my prince charming :) Don't be jealous my bbygirl, I love you the same. I just wanted to know if my prince charming actually exist. Ok, 7 minutes more to 12. I should just click "PUBLISH POST" and then go make a glass of hot and creamy milk to drink and start doing the thing I dread most, to study..
Friday, August 13, 2010
Its 14/08/2010 today, when grandpa decides to leave. I'm certain it's a better and more beautiful place with no worries and pain anymore. I'm happy for him :) R.I.P gong gong.. I'm sorry I've gotta cancel whatever plans I made with whoever till Wednesday. Beach with baby, lunch with Edlyn, study with Didi, Lunch with Clare, and so on. I'm sorry and I hope you understand. So I had a great day today. I met yx in town for Wendy's. Had my baked potato with chilli and cheese yuuum, how does that sound? :) Met my baby girl for dinner at chomp chomp for super shiok dinner. We had stingray, chicken wing, hokkien mee and satay. Stupid girl was too full to eat the chicken wing, I finished everything. HAHA I swear I'm growing fatter. Then to HappyDaze for a beer and study (a bit). It's the first time I tried drinking and studying at the same time haha. Baby needed to leave about at 12, so I went to look for Sam Lye and friends at serangoon north. Chilled there a bit until my sister came to fetch me. Shit, I seriously need to get into the study mode soon. Itz not funny I DO NOT wanna repeat any modules ok. Gonna pig out already, needa wake up super early tomorrow. Ciao!
Sunday, August 8, 2010
I dropped by grandma's place today to see her pwetty face ^^ Spent some quality time with her then went to visit grandpa with my family then dine at West Coast Plaza. We had super awesome dinner at some Halal place. We had a table full of dishes we could hardly finish. Curry fish head (Y). I was so full that I couldn't bend forward and had problem walking. Headed home after dinner, Stace came over to "surprise" Shay. Went to clifton's place after which for a short while. Drank a bit and gambled (smallbig). I won like a dollar -.- Yep, I've been drinking quite a lot of beer recently. Also eating like there's no tomorrow. I've just started working out today. I'm too lazy to skip like how I did before. I'm just gonna like sit-ups for 15 minutes everyday. I'll hopefully see some results within 2 months :/ I'm kinda excited for Science center tomorrow with Mel and Adam. We're gonna go like Snow City, Omni Theatre & Science center. Sounds great? Hope it turns out great too :) The only problem now is that, it's 4am and I'm not asleep. That's quite a problem cos I'll definitely have problem waking up tomorrow. The reason why I'm not asleep now is cos I'm unhappy with somebody and she is probably sleeping already. She thinks that she's the only one feeling like shit when she's making me feel even worst. And when I try to talk to her about it, she just puts all the blame on me and accuse me of saying things I never. And she will just tell me its nothing when I ask her, when she keep going on about how upset she is with "her life" which is probably referring to me. Even after me telling her there's nothing to worry about. Convincing her that I'll only love her even when there's many guys out there liking me. That she's the only one for me and I'll never leave her. Oh wells my life just sux. I need to talk to somebody who understand me. Probably Angie ♥
Saturday, August 7, 2010
Hi I'm blogging again. You ought to give me a (Y). I'm kinda bored, and also waiting for my babygirl to come over. So yessss, its the holidays already. Not exactly holidays actually. We call it holidays(Y), they call it study break(N). I'm kinda worried for my school work cos I really don't understand shit. I don't understand Econs and Stats AT ALL. AFA is the only subject that I'm scoring for. I failed ICA1 for stats and I'm feeling the pressure. But I'm glad Internet Web and Effective Comm is over, 2 module down :D Yeah, I've been unbelievably broke recently. It's only the 7th day of the week now and I'm left with $100 for the rest of the month. Cos I spent so much on shopping and unnecessary things. I buy accessories after accessories, clothes after clothes, and shoes especially. My shoe shelf has no more room for new shoes. They're over flowing and it looks rather messy, dad complains about how the living room look so messy cos of my never-ending increasing pairs of shoes. Anyway, I watched SALT last midnight. I'll give it a 4 popcorn out of 5. It's one of the action movies that I actually bother watching and rating. I never liked action movies, I'd much prefer chic flicks like SATC x. Evelyn SALT is the bomb, She'z so damn hawt. The lips especially. hiakhiak ;) My back is burning like a frying pan. I think my body temperature is like 39d? Thanks to Sentosa yesterday. I have like shades tan on my face and my nose is red like a ladybird ^^ Had fun at Sentosa yesterday with my BEST classmates :) Okay my baby's here. Buaizxc <3
Saturday, July 31, 2010
Hihi ^^ You must be surprised that I'm actually blogging in my almost dead blog. I bet no one visits my blog anymore. So if you're reading this, you're probably the only one reading my post now, congratulations! :D I'm just freaking bored and kinda high. I got so bored while studying so I went to get beer from the fridge. Which clearly explains why I'm blogging now. Every time I log onto my blog, I'll think of you. Cos we have the similar password. It used to be a pretty pleasant thought in the past, but now I'll think of both you and ur fugly girlfriend, it just turns me off. Makes me wanna puke x 103248625. Eeeewwwzxc. Wheeeheee guess what! Its my monthsary with my babygirl today :) Hahahaha, my longest relationship! (Y) Don't judge me ok, I'll show you how faithful I am ;) We gonna watch street dance tomorrow, better be good! 3 upcoming ICAs next week. Planned to study today but when baby came over we ended up eating and playing.. as usual. I'm proud of jiejieShayna for doing Singapore proud by breaking the world record with Jazzy for doubles and winning silver for team (Y) thumbs up for you, and the other girls :) I'm kinda hungry now cos I haven't ate my dinner yet. My teeth hurts! =C But good news that the gaps between my teeth have narrowed. You know I didn't have gaps between my teeth before braces. Now I have literally holes. When I have mash potato i can like squirt it out from the gaps. 4 gaps. So retarded. Okla I'm gonna doze off already. I will try to blog again soon :) Good night world, god bless. I love my girlfie <3.    
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
Hi babies! Sorry I haven't had the mood to blog in damn long again. What's new right, I'm always lazy to blog. My life's been still the same like before :) I'm attached, how exciting can my life get. I'm not saying that I hate being attached. Everything has it's pros and cons. I love school! I love my classmates like so much. I love the BEST CLASS :D We're so united. To my surprise, we're more united than my secondary school's class. WOW right? I joined Frisbee as my CCA but haven't been attending much of the trainings cos got no cute/hot girls/guys to motivate me to train regularly. I never knew my poly life would be so much fun :) Not forgetting IJ of cos! I would wish to go for Fiesta this friday but that's if my grandma's fine. She's going for an op on friday. Please pray for her people :) I'd greatly appreciate it seriously.. I'm blogging now actually becos I'm staying over grandma's house and I have nothing much to do. I'm like beside her now, she's sleeping away. Okay I know that was redundant, I'm just bored. I'd be disturbing my sister if I'm at home now. Or on the line with Adam, or watching L word, or studying. I don't understand my work at all. I never expected studying in a Polytechnic could turn out to be so stressful. Statistic's fucking my brain up side down. The only subjs I find manageable are Accounting for Assets (cos I took them in sec sch) and Public Speaking (cos its just talking, how had can it get?). The rest like Econs and POA sucks. Okay I'm gonna spend some time watching videos then sleep. Check Peter Chao out, he's so funny! And lastly, let me share some facts about Mandy Melissa. I think I'm 2% straight now. Not bad, I'm improving eh. From 0%-2%. I'm attracted to cute Malay boys (boys not mats). I've been rather depressed lately over personal issues and my girlfriend just made it worst so like whatever seriously. And I miss Ain and Shaunna! :(
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
Hi hi everybody. Tomorrow will be the first day of orientation. Poly is starting already! I'll be busy again. I hope I didn't choose the wrong course and may I do well. I'm quite nervous uncertain for orientation tomorrow. I will be exposed to a totally different environment, totally dissimilar as what I would experience in IJ for the past 11 years. I'm sure I'll be able to adapt to the crowd there, but that's if I want to. I hope I meet more IJ girls during orientation. Or at least some people who are similar to me and most imptly, english speaking. I know I may sound like I'm judging too soon but I'm NOT judging ok. After this post I'm gonna pack my bag, choose the clothes to wear tomorrow, watch an episode of L word, and head of to la la land :) Gotta wake up at 7am tomorrow, what an ungodly hour. I haven't been up that early in half a year! Time for update on the recent happenings. We had chalet at downtown east last week. We had so much fun. At least I had a few nights of fun before poly starts. Most of us there were girls. It was like a fucking lesbian party. Everyone there were either gay or used to be gay. I liked it, I like girls :) Hmmm and someone has been depositing money into my debit card lately. At the chalet when i checked my balance, I was left with xxx. After chalet I check again, I had xxx+50. Today I checked, I had xxx+50+30. Ok I know I'm not suppose to be complaining for having more money, but I find it strange. I asked every possible person if they were to debit money into my account. But never mind, I don't have to know who you are. You're most welcome to debit as much money you want into my account. Your whole life saving would be good :) I'm now a good girl that don't club anymore :D I'm not even tempted to anymore. Whenever people ask me, I'll be like "No! I rather sleep!". Hanging out at a bar, chilling, drinking, is so much better. What else what else. Oh I'm gonna perm my hair soon. Should I? I really feel like it. I'm so sick and tired of my current hair although I just touched up the color. Its like straight and boring :( Thats about it I can't really think of what to blog. I guess my life's just boring shit. Alright, wish me all the best for tomorrow! <3
Friday, April 2, 2010
Hi everybody its good friday today! And I decided to stay home and be an angel :) I'm not exactly home, I'm at grandma's house. I decided to come here today. I come here almost every weekday anyway! I love grandma! And I'm gonna try to come here on sunday again. Cos next tues-fri I'll be having chalet and will not be coming. I brought materials I bought from spotlight so I can start working on my laptop case later. I will take a picture of it when I'm done. You'll be surprised in how well my handicraft is! Maybe not, I haven't done anything got to do with sewing in a long time. The last time, was the bolster case for Willie! I'll work on it later and get back to you :) I'm so excited for the chalet! So is everybody else! :D I know Isfa is super excited! Hahahah. Okay so recently I've been feeling rather adventurous! And I'm sorry I made Adam accompany me in doing crazy things. For example going hiking in the blue moon, going Fort Canning but only walked less than half of the place and climbing our ways up to Henderson wave! I love you baby, Happy monthsary to youu and I <3>
Monday, March 15, 2010
Herrow, this is the first post I'm posting using my baby mac. It's now 3 days old! I'm so excited about it, but I still haven't got used to it yet. Like not at all. So recently, I've been feeling very accomplished and contented. Basically, I haven't step into a club in ages! Since I last said I quit clubbing, I really quit. Its a waste of money cos you'll probably cab there and back. So at least $30 gone just for transportation. If you have no guestlist for the night, another $15 gone. Drink, $18. Supper after that, $10. That $73 gone just in one night. Not only that, why would you wanna squeeze yourself on the dance floor with ten thousand people there all either sweaty or with strong BO. Oh my god! And the queue! If you go to zouk on any regular wednesday nights at about 10, you'd have to queue at least 30 minutes to enter the place. And what makes it worst is that you will sleep in like a mother fucking log the whole of the next day till at least 4pm. And who knows you'll wake up the next day with a horrible hangover. There goes one whole day. BURNT! xxx. I'm not judging anyone who clubs or what cos I used to be super hardcore and on about clubbing so who am I to judge. I'll definitely still go clubbing occasionally but no, not like last time anymore. Like on special occasions when all my friends are gonna be there or when I feel like being an idiot. I also feel accomplished cos I managed to do something which I shouldn't publish it here openly on my blog! I have also been spending lots of time with my baby princess! Omg, I'm like so in love with her. The only thing that I haven't been doing is to go jogging. I'm such a lazy pig ok you have no idea. I set a exercise routine and I'll follow it for 2 days. It always happens. I have no motivation at all :( I need motivation! I don't even have motivation to blog. Everytime I blog halfway and I'll be like ok I don't feel like blogging anymore bye. I'm not gonna do that now. That is being irresponsible. Omg I seriously don't know what I'm going on and on about. I think you're just wasting your time reading my bullshit. Hahahaha. I can't wait to see my baby tomorrow! But she's leaving on wednesday. Mel's leaving on wednesday also. Isfa left 2 days ago. Everyone's leaving me alone in Singapore! :((( I feel like sleeping soon. And oh yeah nice, my macbook fucked my phone up. Now its like locked again. I don't know what happened. I need to bring it back to the shop tomorrow. I can receive and answer calls but I can't call out. I can receive messages but cannot send. Its fucking stupid. Uh whatever I'm not gonna think of anything and sleep soon. Goodnight everybody!
Monday, March 8, 2010
Hiiii everybody! Mandy is back from Kuching! :) I missed home. And now I miss kuching. Went there to visit some of my relatives! I'm not too sure how I'm related to them but apparently, we're quite close. Ok there is totally no transport system there other than cars. I've seen only less than 5 buses and 2 taxi in my whole trip. Each house there owns at least 2 cars. There isn't any flat/high rise building there, all terraces or bigger. The food there are mostly organic and every meal I had were promising. It filled my tummy so full that my button almost came off, I could barely breathe. Spent half a day visiting houses as my father has 14 cousins there. And the 14 of them are siblings. They are of all age between 51-65 and they are all still so close and united. All of them gather at their mother's house every sunday for pot luck. Each of the 14 of them have a family of their own so you can imagine. I was in a house with about 50+ people and they are all of the same mother :/Envy much! Didn't do much shopping there. Visiting visiting visiting and eat eat eat (my favourite)! :) My parents and I bunked in one of their condos there that was empty. We had a perfect sea view from our balcony! Okay I'll let the pictures do the talking! :) Omg I'm so lazy to upload photos. I'll do it tomorrow! Bye.
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
I just finished sorting out letters in alphabetical order. I've got nothing to do now. Today's my last day here :( I will definately miss the people here!! So I'll be starting the new job next week and I won't be able to support IJ B'div. I feel so bad! But if you guys qualify for masters I'll definately be there k promise!! I had so little sleep last night I'm dozing off every second! I can't wait to go grandma's house for dinner then to Bishan Park's pub for beer (SHIOK) with Clifton, Lau and I don't know who else. The thought of icy cold beer just makes me so tempted! I had beer last night at Warren too. I brought Adam to Warren for dinner. After dinner we went down to the arcade and played for quite a while like as if we're kids that are deprived in a way or another. The arcade was empty, just the both of us only. I Love her so much my baby princess! HAHA. K I'm gonna play some facebook game while time fly. Oh and I haven't pack my luggage when I'm leaving tomorrow!! :/
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
Tomorrow will be my last day working in ASM. I'll be leaving on friday! :D I kinda like this place. The working environment and everything. And the job is easy. Although the filing gave me a lot of papercuts, the rest of admin stuff are easy! I just finished matching the invoices with the delivery notes and I'm working on excel now. The aircon is so cold, it numbs my finger. I look so clumsy while typing now cos my finger's so stiff. Hahaha. I don't know what went wrong with me recently, I stopped listening to english songs. And I keep listening to Chinese and Malay songs. Am I becoming an ahlian? Just because everyone in my office speaks chinese, I have to try my very best to speak my O level D7 chinese to communicate. I'm so bored I'm falling asleep. Oh and I'll be working with Mel for next week at the place she's working currently. It's somewhere around chinatown area. Hahah. And the week after, probably with Kim at TP. I'll see how, cos I haven't had time for my friends and girlfriend! I've been pushing back my dental every week until its now like 1 month plus already. When I was suppose to go back 2 weeks after my previous appointment. Looks like I cannot remove my braces in the next 2 months! :( UGLY. I'm gonna write in my journal now. Since I have so much in mind that I cannot post it up here. Can't wait to end work so I can see my baby! Ciao!
Friday, February 26, 2010
I'm so sick and tired of working. The job's actually quite, no, extremely slack. But the fact that I have to leave home at 7am every morning is just seriously fucked up. I haven't been having my 13 hours of sleep in a long long time, sucks. Went for LSK's chalet at Changi last night then headed over to baby's house to sleep. Left her house at 6.30am for work, and I was still 10 minutes late. Can you imagine. Skipped lunch with colleagues, stayed in office to take a short nap instead :) I was practically like a zombie today. I only have several hours of sleep at Adam's house last night! Went to work with a fucking bad hang over from last night's circle of death. I spent like a few hours stoning, doing nothing in my office today. What's best is that I have a room to myself and I can do whatever I want. Excluding the fact that the internet in my room died, otherwise I'll be online! :( Prefer this job so much more than the previous one. The people here are nicer, not that the people from the previous job were bad. The environment's nicer. I get longer lunch breaks. I get to wear whatever I want to work. It's nearer to home. I can use my phone anytime I want. So anyway after work today, I met Isfa, Dom and Adam at Marina. Had dined, chilled, laughed, get mad and everything. I'm so happy I get to see my baby again today, sweeeeet :) I'm gonna bathe and off my system, sleep in with full blast air con. Gonna off my phone so there will be no disruptions. I'll wake up whenever I feel like tomorrow.
I LOVE YOU ADAM HAYDEN, 3 HEARTS FOR YOU BABY ! Although you don't love me as much as the 3 hearts but I'll love you with all my heart. Thanks for sending me all the way home. I'll spam you with my love letters everyday. You're my everything :)
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
Happy Chinese New Year to everybody! I'm very bored now so I decided to blog. And the only reason why I'm bored is cos I just applied my face mask and I'm waiting for 15 minutes to come so I can remove it. I don't really see much effect upon using face mask. I just feel more refreshed. I don't see much difference on my face also. But I don't know why I'm still investing so much money on face, skin, nails, basically just beuty products which I honestly don't see any improvement after use. I haven't been for facial since O's ended. The pimples must have been the results of stress that I undergo. Weekly facial did not work at all. However, after the final exams ended, my face automatically cleared :) I'm not as lucky this year anymore. I lost money while gambling. I lost so horribly at Tim's house last night while playing in between (devil game). But I collected quite a bit from ang paos this year. Probably cos my parents gave me twice the amount they usually give for this year. Okay 15 minutes up! I'll blog again when I'm free. I'm like meglecting my blog! Hahha.
Monday, February 8, 2010
I have dental at 10.30 in the morning tomorrow. How on earth am I gonna drag my lazy ass of bed and reach Clementi by 10.30. Its highly impossible! I'm so clever, I broke my retainers and I snapped one of the rubber band on my braces. Good luck to me tomorrow. The dentist probably gonna be like wtf manxzxz. I'll try to go sleep soon after I blog. I was suppose to wake up early to go Adam's house to cut her hair today. But I ended up waking up super late. So I went Thompson for lunch with Shaunna. Sadly, Isfa wasn't working today so I didn't get to see that monkey! Went grandma's house for dinner which I hardly ate much cos I had very late lunch. Nick just got his liscense today. So he came with Clifton and Lau to pick me and went for prata. I just got home. I'm still so awake, how am I suppose to sleeeep! :( Anyway, if any of you have job recommendations, let me know k. Cos I've stopped working with Frasers. I'm looking for office jobs only. Which pays preferbly 5.50-7/h will be good :) And my room's like super clean now btw. I spent a good 3 and half hours cleaning up. Although it might(probably) still be messy, its dust free! I feel so accomplished ok. Next up I'm gonna start hitting the gym, instead of keep rotting my ass at home. The reunion dinners over the weekend really hit me in the tummy. Loved the lou hei. But I thought the one at some ching chong restaurant was better than the one in Orchard Hotel.. K bye people! I'm missing Ain like some cheebye mothafucka I swear :(
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
Hi, its been long! I have an excuse! Cos I'm working now and night shift ends at 10pm. I pretty like my current job (I'm not gonna reveal wheer I work on my blog). The people are all damn nice and friendly :) However, friday is my last day already! I'm quite sad to leave but I'm happy at the same time cos I dont have to work anymore. The only reason why I'm blogging now is cos I'm not going to work tomorrow! Reason simply being : food poisoning I don't feel like going. Ain and I are both skipping work together tomorrow. I'll be going over to her house to play :D I have been literally seeing Ain EVERYDAY for the past month or so. Cos we work at the same place! And we're always together even on our off days. Today is a very special day, MEL'S BIRTHDAY :D Which also means my birthday HAHA! Ain, Isfa, Kim and Mel came to visit me at work. Then we went Lucky Plaza for really really good Ayam Penyet, so fucking spicy cheebye! Lepaked at the park upstairs, then went home. I hate to take public transport now cos its so expensive! I should just cab, like how adam cab everywhere! She sends me home via the train and cabs home. See how spoilt my baby is! Hahah. I miss Adam Hayden, haven't seen her in.. 3 days. Okay I know that sounded pathetic. But it really felt like a month or more :( I'm meeting her on Friday :) The thought of it makes me so excited! And we're going shopping!!! I wrote down my shopping list just now. All the items added up to close to $900. SUGAR DADDY NEEDED HERE OK PLZ! I went CNY shopping with Shay yesterday. But we ended up buying a hair dryer. I know right don't ask me why plz! I dont know.. My eyes are dry already. I need to go rest. And talk to my baby on the phone so I'll miss her less! Bye!
Sunday, January 17, 2010
Sianzxzxz. I'm so sick. I feel like I'm dead actually. My fever's still at 38d :( Cough is recovering but phlegm is all stuck in my chest which causes the air passage to block! One day of work and 2 days of MC! Hahaha. Pls don't visit me at work whoever that knows where I'm working. I look crazy. You know like I just woke up. With my hair and make up undone, wearing an oversized tee. Nobody wanna see me in such state. So don't bother visiting me or what not. Only Ain gets this privilege to see me like that, cos she works 5m away from me :D It's been good working near her cos I get to see her stupid face and hmm, laughing at the aunty selling ba gua! I don't really have much to blog about actually, I'm just bored. My sister just bought 2 tubs of hagen daaz. I'm not suppose to eat cos I'm sick but I don't care :) But I doubt I can taste it anyway. My taste buds off you know. Plain boiled water taste like antibiotics and food smells like fart. I know right, what the hell. Okay I'm missing Melissa Baclay! and Adam Hayden! and Shaunna de Cruz! and Isfa! and Stephanie Megan! and Clare Marie! And I just realized my life is totally dependent on solely girls only! I don't talk to/about guys anymore. And of all the girls that I've mentioned, what do most of them have in common? HMMMM :) I totally lose feeling for guys already.
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
I hate liars omg why do they have to lie so much. Is it cos they are deprived in some way or another? I lie, but only when its necessary. I don't do it to my friends just to make myself look like I'm all that. I think its stupid. The only reason why people lie is cos they are insecure about themselves, GROW UP! And what makes it worst is when they lie about utterly ridiculous things that makes it so fucking obvious its a lie -.- Fuck it, anyway, I've been to busy (or rather, lazy) to update my blog lately. I decided to blog tonight cos I won't be able to blog so often anymore as my job starts from tomorrow onwards. I'm soooo lazy! But I'm okay cos I work at the same place as my darling Ain and we can travel and lunch together :) Have been talking and meeting Ain quite a lot lately she's so fucking funny (loser) hehe. Mel too, cos she took a whole week of leave. Just came back from a bar with her and her brother. I've been drinking every night consetively. Either at the pub in bishan park, CHIJMES or at home. My tummy's like wtf big and round. Like a ball ball :) OH, Mel cut her hair and I think, she looks pretty attractive (towards girls only) HAHA I'll upload some hamsom photos of her! My head feels heavy. I don't wanna blog anymore. Gonna pray that all of us get into our dream course and school! For those KPOs out there wondering how many points I got for O's. I wouldn't say I did badly cos it won't be nice to those who did worst. I would say I did well enough to get into any course in any poly. And yes, I'm happy with my grades! Thank god for that :)
Friday, January 8, 2010
I just cut my hair today. Adam took photos for me as prove against mel. Cos Mel always don't believe when I cut my hair. She'll keep going "no difference, you bluff". Mel's dying for everyone to cut their hair hahah so don't cut :D Went NP and TP with Mel and Kim today. I only went TP for like 15 mins. I didn't walk around at all. So it was kinda waste of time. I went there to meet Isfa and Ain and met like Shirin, Anisa, Vanessa, Nisa and Pearlyn. Left TP and went to tamp to meet Adam for dinner @ popeyes. I ate a bowl of mash potato only cos I had late lunch. And I'm fucking hungry now. Mom's getting food for me otw back :D I'm gonna upload SOME photos now since everyone's complaining that reading my blog is so boring cos there's no pictures. Ben said its like ready newpaper -.- Oh, I'm kinda looking forwad to tomorrow cos I'll be meeting so many people. All my darlings! And supper club at night, Shaunna pls come. I haven't seen you in ages! Hahaha all the best to all IJ girls collecting their results on monday. Especially to the whole of sec fives!! Crosss fingers and toes!
 I love you so fucking much Adam Hayden!
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
So quickly and 2009 is coming to an end already. I have so much to say and people to thank for. This year has been one of the toughest compared to the rest. I would say this year is the year that I really studied (although I know I didn't give my all, but at least much more than usual). And this is the last year that I will be spending in IJ. The 5 years I spent in IJ, I would say, is the best I can ever ask for. And I know whatever poly/JC/ITE I go to next year, I'll never get the same treatment, ever again. The thought of it upsets me so much, but what can I do or say. I shall not be all draggy and long-winded. So here it is..
GRANDMA/FAMILY: The most important people in my life. The most devoted grandma. The most loving mother. The most capable father. The most caring sister. I love them all, so much.
Melissa Baclay : You have been the most awesome friend anyone can ask for. You give so much without demanding anything back. And you're the first friend that I ever sacrificed so much for too. You really mean the world to me. I don't know how my life would be without you. I love you so much you have no idea. I thank you for everything. I thank god for having you with me. This sounds ridiculously mushy but I'm not shitting you. I LOVE YOU SO FUCKING MUCH.
Steph : You've been so busy with ur chruch stuff so I haven't really been spending much time with you YET. Hoope to see you on monday and we really need to catch up. Thanks for everything, you've been a great friend. Esp during our N levels period. And how u send me text acting like youre A, comforting me. Supplying me with fruit tips and chocolates. And the list goes on.. All these are not forgotten and will never be. I love you the same!
Ain : The girl that I've been missing most although we just met up recently. You never fail to make me laugh. Like really really you're the funniest/stupidest I can ask for. You make me a happier person. You won't believe I'm saying this cos I never. I'm always bullying you. Thanks for being my partner and tolerating all my SHIT. Literally S H I T. And I love you for that.
Adam Hayden : Thanks for coming into my life and making me happy. There are many thing I'd like to say to you but just not here cos everyone can see it. I really love you and I'm looking forward to many things in future, with you :)
Samantha : My dearest laopoxzxzx. You've been the one that studied with me at ave 4 macs. Brning the midnight oil. Eating black black mee in the market after studying. Doing the stupidest and funniest thing. Going all gaga/upset over whichever malay dude. For all that flaws that made you beautiful, I love you..
Isfa : One of the craziest girl in school. Thanks for being such a wonderful friend since sec 1. The innocent siti into a ISFUCK. And the coconut hair mandy into MANDICK. We practically grew up together! I remember how you cry and almost flooded the room during retreat, and our reccess clubbing. Hahahahaha. I love you monkey!
Kim : You're the one the went through the 5 years with me too! Tell me about it. From all my sports school boys to acsi boys to clubbing boys to currently, girls :/ You've always been there. During trainings, the aunty kat days. Those memories are priceless. I love you kimmy :)
Clifton : You're the sweetest brother to me. I appreciate everything you do. The dinners/lunch/beer/w.../c../wii. So much to thank you for. I love you clifton boy!
Anisa : You changed me! I changed you! We both had a very strong influence towards each other. Althogh we're not that close anymore. We were once fucking tight and did stupid things together. Watched ch 88 and finished the whole tub of marcoroni, promising each other not to tell other how pig we are. Sec 3 clubbing days! Getting me the super huge balloon on my birthday and made me walk around town with it. I love you for everything.
Ben : My amazing cousin thats pretty much similar (as fucked up as) to me. I'm so proud to have you in my life. I thank you for staying up till 5 am to help me with my art and ended up going to school late. I thank you for helping me so much in my art. I love you to the moon and back!
Germaine : Although I think I only met up with you probably less than 5 times this year! You still have a place in my heart. Our primary school days feels like it was just last year. When we were p5. And we made a bet that I'll be taller than u by sec 4. And Now we're both so tall. Although I think you're 1 or 2 cm taller. There's to many things to be listed. But I thank you for being my primary school bestfriend and all the best in your lesbianism. HAHA LOVE YOU.
Jerome/Willie : The both of you idiots. There's nothing much to thank Willie for other than the goos times we had in sec 3 I think? After that it was just hell for me. Thanks Jerome for listening to all my love stories. Giving me advices that don't really work but I do appreciate them. I'm so glad that we're talking again. Love you both the same. Although I'm gonna marry one of the 2 ^^ HAHAHA.
Shaunna : For all the late night calls and text messages that you don't reply! For all the stayovers and outings. And your neverending "wah I tell you my heart ah........" Thanks for coming into my life. I had lots of fun with you around and an experience that I though I'll never have. Hmmm... I love you cheebye!
Kalpana : I don't know how to thank you. Cos I really hate you for all the diabolical things you've done for me. You're incorrigible. For teling Ain that I like her (ofcos I dont) and getting me into a lot other shit. Thanks for improving my accounts by like 4/5 grades. Anf for listening to all my happenings. No you should thank me for being your student. I bring color to your monotonous life. Love you kappy wappy.
I know I missed out many people, I apologise for that. I'm too tired and my eyes are damn dry. You know I love all my friend and I really appreaciate for having ev eryone in my life. Friends or frenemies. You're the ones that taught me how to live and be strong. Have a great year ahead pals :)
Friday, December 25, 2009
MERRY CHRISTMAS EVERYBODY :) I had fun the whole of yesterday... until I got fucking wasted and died. Woke up early to meet Sam for lunch. Went to Novena to meet Isfa and to find Mel at work. Had lunch together :) Isfa's Christmas gift is damn cute and random. I like the undies :) We hung out, went to town to wait for Ain. I was so damn happy to see Ain, its been so long. I've been missing her so much you have no idea. And everytime I eat macs, it gets worst cos I'll be wondering.. Where's that idiot I wanna give her all my soggy shaker fries cos I don't like them. Hahah <3 Chilled/Catched up until dinner time. Ain followed Sam and I to do our nails (christmas color) and dinner. Met Yingxin, Edlyn, Chris and Lenard to celebrate Christmas at night. We initially went to Alcova cos there was some event there yesterday. But holy, the queue was horrendous. So we went to Clarke Quay to drink. Played drinking games and ended up drinking quite a bit. Got damn high/drunk. Honestly, I can hardly remember what happened last night. But I remembered the ADM part clearly. I'm sorry if i scared you! Hahaha. My relatives are outside having steamboat, I shall not anti and go outside and socialise. I'm lazy to upload pictures up in my blog. It all up on Facebook :)
For God loved the world so much that He gave His one and only son, so that everyone who believes in Him will not perish but have eternal life - John 3:16
Saturday, December 19, 2009
I'm now in the coach on the way back to Singapore. Everybody, like seriously everybody in the bus is sleeping. Except for the bus driver and myself. I really really miss home. And the my 9 other bears must have missed me. Excluding the green bear (goodluck) that I brought along with me to support my sister. My dearest Shay did well for masters and stepladder today. Just that the other 2 did better in stepladder. Hmm. I'm still thinking of the things I was suppose to go back and buy but I didn't have time. I probably won't see it ever again. I bought a fake LV purse at KL for damn cheap. It's super cute and it's in a heart shape! My mother have been extraordinary weird/funny during this trip. She became so much like me. You know, talking to/disturbing random people around. Laughing at things only WE understand etc. I couldn't stop laughing throughout the trip! So I've been staring out of the window for the past good 20 mins trying to find stars but I end up only seeing a blank sky (with a couple of planes flying pass). I've learnt more to appreciate the fact that I'm a Singaporean and that I live in a hygienic and anti-BO environment :) but cb, singapore doesnt have A&W!!! The coney dog and curly fries was the bomb. I'm kinda looking forward for Milo trip next year to eat A&W ok :( I'm so bored now I really feel like standing up and walk around the bus. Fml manz. I miss Grandma and Paps. I miss Mel. I miss Shaunna. I miss Ah Sam. I miss Ben. I miss Clare. I miss Ain. I miss Adam. I miss Isfa. I miss Kim. All and every single one of my friends! You shouldn't read this post at all. It's a waste of your time. HAHA
She's so sexy so cool She's the baddest girl I've seen I'm wondering why I only see her in my dreams The love of my life, she's the only one for me. My L-O-V-E oooh my L-O-V-E <3
Thursday, December 17, 2009
Okay I just got back to the hotel. I just bought 2 pair of jeans and a shoe. The jeans I bought were both one size smaller. I'm using that as motivation to lose weight :D Shay didn't bowl that well today. Let's hope that she'll do better tomorrow :) I love shopping with mom cos she pays for everything. But then again, so much restriction! And it's was difficult cos I had to control my colorful language. She's so funny. She's being overly cautious by coming up with ways how people would plan to rob/rape/kidnap us. She comes up with plans that you'll never hear of. It's just so hilarious omfg. Okay I'm going for massage now with mom. I miss my friends :( miss me? I miss grandma.
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
HI. I haven't finish packing for Milo yet. I'm only halfway through and I'm left with approximately 5 hours before I board the bus. I had only a couple of hours of sleep last night. And whenever I don't get my 9 hours of beauty sleep I'll end up you know, talking nonsense the whole of the next day. I woke up early this morning to meet Jerome for lunch. (You better be touched, look at the things I do and sacrifice for you) I went home straight after lunch, wanted to catch up on my sleep but I ended up webcaming with ADM until I left for grandma's house for dinner. Met Shaunna after dinner and went for second round indian rojak at jln kayu. Yay, love Shaunna very much yo! Last night was fun too. Mel and I went Haji to shisha after her work. Itz been long sicne we last hung out. We got so high over nothing each other. Love love love melly baby! BTW, MEL'S A BUNG THAT FORGOT TO CUT HER HAIR ^^ ADM and her bestfriend came down to join us for a while too. Loved the company :) Yay I'm so happy. I'm like loving/liking everyone. I'm in the mood for loooooove baby. Okay this is what happens when I don't have enogh hours of sleep okay. I just go on and on without knowing what I'm actually talking about. I'm gonna continue packing and sleep for like 2 hours before I leave. Peace out everybody. Since I'm in a very ily mood, before I forget. I LOVE YOU BEN TAN. VERY VERY VERY MUCH. AND STOP BEING SO UNHAPPY ABOUT IT OKAY. 1314!
Sunday, December 13, 2009
:(((( X1000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
I'm feeling damn shag now, just came back from a jog with my dad! I did 100 sit ups at the park! I'm gonna ache like shit tomorrow man. I went to town today. Was walking around the new shopping center at somerset, 303. I'm quite surprised that they have zara, F21 and all there. So I shopped till I forgot I was suppose to meet my parents for dinner. Before that, Adam and I watched New Moon. It wasn't as bad as what people claim it was. But the ending was stupid, that I can't deny.. Adam's damnnn sweeeeet! ^^ Had really really good food for dinner with my parents. I ate so much I could still feel my tummy bloated! Last night's buffet at iforgotthehotel'sname was super yummy too! I'm meeting Kalpana at Novena tomorrow for lunch. I'm bringing her to surprise Mel at work. I'm quite certain that Mel's asleep already, so don't tell her, it still will be a surprise although I put it up on my blog. Mel and I never fail to play the "dress up" game. So tomorrow she's gonna dress like a butch, says she. (but when she don't "dress up", she look like lian ^^) And I'm gonna dress like her BRO. Hehe. And if miraculously I wake up early, I'll head to my club to swim and sauna. Which is highly unlikely I'll be waking up early. Hehe ^^ I'll be going home after that, for dinner at grandma's, and I'll meet my darling Melissa Baclay again after work. Monday night, not so happening. Hahaha I can't wait to tell Kalpz and Mel whats been happening ;) I better pack, I'll be leaving for milo in no time! Time to shop at sunway <3 I hope TODS will be having sale!!
Monday, December 7, 2009
I'm sorry for being too emotional in my previous post! I'm fine, totally. Thanks for those of you who bothered asking. It's not that I don't wanna say but I just can't. This is something that I can open up to an outsider much easier than someone whom I'm close to. I know it sucks. You know, like swearing in front of others but not your parents kinda thing. Anyway, I went to my dentist today to get my retainers fixed cos I broke it again. This s my second time breaking it btw. The dentist said he's gonna insert 6 brackets on my tooth the next appointment. I'm still considering whether to do it or not cos braces are fucking ugly. Anything but braces! The plates I'm wearing now kinda pushed my teeth out but there are like big gaps in between. So the braces would be required to align them. I spoke to my grandma about it. She told me to just go for it, its gonna be 2 years only anyway. Aahhh, I dont know/want :( Oh and I met Willie tonight after dinner for a while. Catched up for a bit since he just came back! Dad picked me up from his place and we got 2 tubs of hagen daaz on the way back, yummy! And just, like 2 hours ago, Shay and I drove out to thomsom for ba chor mee. I'm so bloated now omg! I'm actually blogging now while waited for L word to load. Okay bye! Can't wait to see Melissa tomoorrow <3
Friday, December 4, 2009
Too many things have been happening now in my life and I just need somebody/something to talk to, to seek advice from. I have scandals from this side that I can't leak to the other and from the other that I can't leak to this. It is so difficult and tiring that i dont feel like seeing anybody. And you know what, I'm gonna be honest now that I've been a real bitch for the past week. I know what I'm doing isn't right. I'm not only fucking up one relationship. I'm not gonna say how many or who, but I'm certain that I'm going to hell. I'm gonna create an lj and just spam everything that I can't express here in there. How I feel towards the opposite sex, my opinion towards lesbian, relationship and other explicit issues that's been bugging me so badly recently. And I know I should so start a book right. I mean all my close friends keep telling me that I shoould start compiling all my stupid happenings and I might just earn a living through that. Naaiise, maybe I should stop dreaming. Back to my life. I think my mom's happy that I haven't really been going out late at night for this week. Although I'm thinking of zouk/wavehouse/butterfact tomorrow! But I'm probably gonna be lazy AGAIN, and stay home to watch L word. I'm so addicted you have no idea! I was watching L word till 7am yesterday(today). I would most likely continue after I'm done blogging. It's 5.26am now btw. So I recently got a job from Recruit Express. I got fired before I even get the job cos I told them I'll be away for 10 days in Europe. I got a call from another agency (I forgot the name) and they offered a better pay and a preferred location too, yay! They sent in my resume, I hope I get short listed (cross fingers!).
You have no fucking idea how I'm feeling now. Is this love..? Should I, or should I not?
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
Hello everybody I'm finally 17! I'm still young (and illegal to do many things, fuckit)! :) Thanks to everyone that wished me a Happy Birthday. Yes indeed I had a HAPPY birthday but also a big hole in my pocket. I spent many hundreds of dollars today. I don't even dare to count cos I'll end up with a heart attack! I bought the most redundant things today. Things like an umbrella. Edlyn convinced me to buy the GUCCI wallet and yes I did. When I walked out of the shop I was like "what did I just do?" I just changed to a brand new Burberry wallet 2 weeks ago FTW. Bought a dress and a top and placed a deposit for a Ferragamo shoe. I really thought I was insane today. God bless my wallet TQ :( After doing all that shopping with Edlyn, I met Mel for dinner and Kbox. I hope Mel don't upload the videos of me singing the Aerosmith song, embarrassing much! And now I just got home, should be going out to meet another friend for a while later. I'm losing track of time. I NEED to update my resume soon and find a job its December already!!! And I miss Shaunna so fuckin' much :( Its only been 16 hours!
Saturday, November 28, 2009
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Herrow, omg I can't even type properly cos my nails are so long! Sorry if there's typo! ^^ Shit Mel just departed about an hour ago, Steph's at Chiangrai and Shaunna's leaving soon too! And when they all come back, I'll be leaving! ): And don't know for what dog reason, Edlyn's in JB now. My mom's extremely upset at me for coming home in the morning almost everyday recently. I mean, I stay home in the day to spend time with grandma and leave home almost mid night cos they're sleeping. So this way, I get the best of both worlds hahahahaha. Maybe I shouldn't be living a life of a 20 years old. Like steph said, I'm illegally legal. NVM! So anyway anyway, today's been damn tiring day for me. I walked all around town from one end to the other. No wait, my day started of having lunch with Ain at TP. Omg miss her man, haven't seen her like in a week! It was like a partner's day out :) We wanted to wear school U and bring umbrella and do what we usually do after school. INSANE! Headed to town after that to meet Jerome for a bit and then Shaunna. Was supposed to have dinner with my sister but she did well for her first MQ (congratz jie!) so I couldn't make it to OCC in time (I'm cutting the long story short). So like, I just met Shaunna for dinner. I bought a bag from CHE2, I like it very much!! Its like pink and orange, and so cheap! They were having 80% sale so I got it for only 62 bucks only hehe! Okay I'm too lazy to blog anymore, I shall upload a few pictures otherwise my blog's damn boring! :)     
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
I'm missing all my friends like fuck ok. I know this sound so ridiculous cos I left Singapore less than 24 hours ago but it feels like it's been a week. I should think this is homesick? Or perhaps I'm just a bit too bored here. I did my hair, nails, massage and shopping all in a day so I'm left with nothing to do tomorrow. I guess this is what happens when you're here with mom and grandma. I'm sitting at starbucks now, using their wireless to catch up with my friends. Oh and prom was great! Loved the food and everything. Actually, more of the food, the pudding that's in a shape of a koi. Hehe ^^ I'll upload the pictures as soon as I get back. Everyone looked so gorgeous! I didn't like my make up at all! It was so thick, I looked like a ghost. Don't laugh when you see them on facebook! I think our class had full attendance for once? Haha! Can't believe we graduated already. I DONT WANNA LEAVE IJ :'( it's the bestest school ever I swear. Although there are a handful of lians and minas that came in and screwed the school's name. It's really a good school, please send ur daughters to IJ otherwise you'll regret. Omg ok I shall stop. And yes, I'm THAT bored okay. I shall go back on facebook my mom wants me back in the hotel by 12. Not much time left!
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Yessss, I'm finally seriously enjoying my holiday! And of course, I'm feeling the hole in my pocket getting bigger each night :( i'm gonna be spending so much for the next few nights! Drinking @ gardens tonight, Powerhouse on Friday night, Supperclub on Saturday night, Zirca on Monday night, Prom on Tuesday night, Genting on Wednesday, and the list goes on. How am I suppose to have time for a job? I'm too lazy to update my resume and shit. I MUST earn some money before I go Europe. And I might be carried forward to early Jan, so that leaves me with just December to work! In the meantime, I'm just gonna party and I'll settle the issue after I come back from Genting. Oh yes, stephie's birthday dinner (part 2) will be uploaded on FB as soon as mel decides to uplaod them, coughs. Jennifer's body is NOT a fucking comedy btw! The ending was stupid. Watched it with Steph and Mel last night. Then we met Shaunna and went over to Mel's place to lepak. Actually, we did a lot more than just lepak. Thank Shaunna for being the photographer of the night :)
Friday, November 6, 2009
Whats up next? PARTY!!!! O's has finally (unofficially) ended! I'm only left with MCQ and fing chinese paper which I'm gonna flunk :/ Those of you that consistently check my blog for updates, I'm sorry! I know how it feels, cos there's like this 2 blogs that I bookmarked it and I get damn dulan when they don't update. Hehe. I felt the papers this final exam was quite general, I managed it well except for Social Studies which I'm definately gonna get an F9 for. How unlucky can someone be seriously. I only studied Venice and Healthcare and both didn't come out. So my 13m question was like about 4-5 sentences long short. FML. Thankfully Geography was still manageable. I'm quite certain that I'm gonna screw chinese up too. To those 4N people, those who wants books/notes (esp for accounts), I've got really good ones I can pass down. The rest shall then be fed to my dustbin. Thats one of the things that is bugging me. Unless you've been to my room, you wont understand how hard it is to get onto my bed from the door cos notes, books, files, papers, are all over the floor. And its TERRIBLE really. Next up, is to find a job that pays as well and as slack as my NTU alumni job :) Time to earn lots and lots of $$ for me to go Europe and shop! :D Omg I'm shooooo eggcited for the trip! Another is, what should I do for my birthday? 1) Book a chalet and make it a birthday cum class gathering. 2) Go to HK disneyland! 3) Spend it with my family 4) Shopping with my 2 favouritest girl in the whole damn world. 5) Celebrate it in a club (which is highly unlikely, its so unmeaningful!) I have no idea, what should I do ?? Okay enough said, lunch is ready! I'm gonna eat then go Beuty Box to choose matching makeup+hair with my dress. I dont know how I'm gonna survive the day. I only had 3 hours of sleep cos was up at PF's playing mahjong, super duper shag! And I'm still going st james tonight. How? Im might just die. Ok pictures up on fb soon! xoxo,